
The DENNIS System


So, I know I haven’t written here in awhile and I need to start writing more. There are a number of reasons I haven’t been writing. Mainly, I’ve finally gotten a new job, had a friend visiting and have been seeing someone new for a bit.

Which brings me to my current topic….the Dennis System. The Dennis system has now happened to me, both in parts and completely, by two separate guys I’ve seen. It’s actually INSANE how good guys are at blowing you off and putting the Dennis System into effect. Firstly, they act as if they are really into you and then eventually just disappear completely. As you can imagine, this makes dating nearly impossible and also horrible. Here are a few examples of actual text messages between me and Dennis 1 and Dennis 2 before they both up and disappeared.


After Dennis 1 sent this message, I met up with him and we had a really nice time. Then he went on a trip, came home from the trip and asked me how my week was going, I answered and then never heard from him again. How does that make any sense at all?!


Now Dennis 2, he was a tricky one (and incredibly recent as well). He sent me this text after knowing I’d gone to my parents house and he had told me he really wanted me to come over to his house to play Mariokart that night. Obviously, he was trying to lure me with muffins, which is a great tactic in general. However, after that he was never so keen again….he started to neglect emotionally.


But then he did show up again and inspired hope, by coming to my last day of work drinks party:

He left early from that though and then texted me the next day that he was sorry for going so early. Then the following message exchange happened.


This is where he separated entirely. I haven’t heard from him since this. This obviously isn’t a complete record of all of our messages, but I believe it gets the point across.

Now can someone, ANYONE, please explain to me how or WHY guys do this? What’s with all the effort and energy you are wasting on someone only to make them feel like crap? It’s not even just the texts that send a confusing message, it’s the stuff that happens in real life when we meet up. Dennis 2 was the worst for this and I could have just accepted that he was a bad texter, but that clearly isn’t the case when it’s been nearly a week and I haven’t heard a word at all. I guess his plans did change–changed to never include me again.

Being Dennis-ed makes me never want to date again. Any guy can pull the rug out from under you at any time for no reason and just separate entirely. This brings me back to my old adage, and something I am still pretty firm in believing: it’s better to stick with the psycho you know than the one you don’t. With my ex I could anticipate his moves and was generally correct about how certain scenarios may play out. With these new guys, I have absolutely no clue and what’s worse is that their words don’t even match their actions. It’s hard enough to find someone you like, who you can get along with, and then once you do you can’t even feel secure or happy about it because they may just never contact you again. It really is enough to make someone crazy.

I believe it all boils down to respect. It’s pretty clear throughout It’s Always Sunny that Dennis is a sociopath, yet TONS of guys in their mid-twenties seem to have adapted his completely insane approach to dating. This shows no respect for the girls they are with. I wish I could show this to my mother when she asks me why I am still single. Maybe I am wrong though, maybe they aren’t Dennis-ing me and I am really just really horrific to spend time with. Both seem equally possible!

Poem People.

There is a poem that says everything. This poem sums up every feeling I ever have had. I have had a tab open of this poem on my phone and I read parts of it periodically all the time. On rarer occasions, I read the whole thing. It’s a very long poem, but it’s one of the most perfect things I’ve ever read.

My friend and I discovered this poem and ever since we have categorized people as either being Poem People or not Poem People. It’s VERY rare anyone I send the poem to read the whole thing. Even rarer they come back to me screaming at the injustice of them only finding the poem at this stage in their life.

The Glass Essay by Anne Carson. (The entire thing can be found here: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/178364)

I’m just going to post a few (or a lot) of my favorite parts here. I won’t post any commentary with it, because I think it’s better that way, but very very favorite lines are bolded.

I can hear little clicks inside my dream.
Night drips its silver tap
down the back.
At 4 A.M. I wake. Thinking

of the man who
left in September.
His name was Law.

My mother speaks suddenly.
That psychotherapy’s not doing you much good is it?
You aren’t getting over him.

My mother has a way of summing things up.
She never liked Law much
but she liked the idea of me having a man and getting on with life.

Well he’s a taker and you’re a giver I hope it works out,
was all she said after she met him.
Give and take were just words to me

at the time. I had not been in love before.
It was like a wheel rolling downhill.


I fell on my knees on the rug and sobbed too.
She knows how to hang puppies,
that Emily.

It isn’t like taking an aspirin you know, I answer feebly.
Dr. Haw says grief is a long process.
She frowns. What does it accomplish

all that raking up the past?
Oh—I spread my hands—
I prevail! I look her in the eye.
She grins. Yes you do.


Well there are many ways of being held prisoner,
I am thinking as I stride over the moor.


Something inside it reminds me of childhood—
it is the light of the stalled time after lunch
when clocks tick

and hearts shut
and fathers leave to go back to work
and mothers stand at the kitchen sink pondering

something they never tell.
You remember too much,
my mother said to me recently.

Why hold onto all that? And I said,
Where can I put it down?

She shifted to a question about airports.


Perhaps the hardest thing about losing a lover is
to watch the year repeat its days.
It is as if I could dip my hand down

into time and scoop up
blue and green lozenges of April heat
a year ago in another country.

I can feel that other day running underneath this one
like an old videotape—here we go fast around the last corner
up the hill to his house, shadows

of limes and roses blowing in the car window
and music spraying from the radio and him
singing and touching my left hand to his lips.

Law lived in a high blue room from which he could see the sea.
Time in its transparent loops as it passes beneath me now
still carries the sound of the telephone in that room

and traffic far off and doves under the window
chuckling coolly and his voice saying,
You beauty. I can feel that beauty’s

heart beating inside mine as she presses into his arms in the high blue room—
No, I say aloud. I force my arms down
through air which is suddenly cold and heavy as water

and the videotape jerks to a halt
like a glass slide under a drop of blood.
I stop and turn and stand into the wind,

which now plunges towards me over the moor.
When Law left I felt so bad I thought I would die.
This is not uncommon.


The last time I saw Law was a black night in September.
Autumn had begun,

my knees were cold inside my clothes.
A chill fragment of moon rose.
He stood in my living room and spoke

without looking at me. Not enough spin on it,
he said of our five years of love.
Inside my chest I felt my heart snap into two pieces

which floated apart. By now I was so cold
it was like burning. I put out my hand
to touch his. He moved back.

I don’t want to be sexual with you, he said. Everything gets crazy.
But now he was looking at me.
Yes, I said as I began to remove my clothes.

Everything gets crazy. When nude
I turned my back because he likes the back.
He moved onto me.

Everything I know about love and its necessities
I learned in that one moment
when I found myself

thrusting my little burning red backside like a baboon
at a man who no longer cherished me.
There was no area of my mind

not appalled by this action, no part of my body
that could have done otherwise.


But Emily knew how to catch a devil.
She put into him in place of a soul

the constant cold departure of Catherine from his nervous system
every time he drew a breath or moved thought.
She broke all his moments in half,

with the kitchen door standing open.
I am not unfamiliar with this half-life.
But there is more to it than that.


The sound

startles me back into the dream I was having
this morning when I awoke,
one of those nightlong sweet dreams of lying in Law’s

arms like a needle in water—it is a physical effort
to pull myself out of his white silk hands
as they slide down my dream hips—I

turn and face into the wind
and begin to run.
Goblins, devils and death stream behind me.

In the days and months after Law left
I felt as if the sky was torn off my life.
I had no home in goodness anymore.

To see the love between Law and me
turn into two animals gnawing and craving through one another
towards some other hunger was terrible.

Perhaps this is what people mean by original sin, I thought.
But what love could be prior to it?
What is prior?

What is love?
My questions were not original.
Nor did I answer them.


She said,
When you see these horrible images why do you stay with them?
Why keep watching? Why not

go away? I was amazed.
Go away where? I said.
This still seems to me a good question.


Well, there are different definitions of Liberty.
Love is freedom, Law was fond of saying.
I took this to be more a wish than a thought

and changed the subject.
But blank lines do not say nothing.
As Charlotte puts it,

“The practice of hinting by single letters those expletives
with which profane and violent persons are wont to garnish their discourse,
strikes me as a proceeding which,

however well meant, is weak and futile.
I cannot tell what good it does—what feeling it spares—
what horror it conceals.”


I can tell by the way my mother chews her toast
whether she had a good night
and is about to say a happy thing
or not.



This is a coded reference to one of our oldest arguments,
from what I call The Rules Of Life series.


At this point the drapes argument has reached a delta
and may advance along one of three channels.
There is the What You Need Is A Good Night’s Sleep channel,

the Stubborn As Your Father channel
and random channel.


I t is generally anger dreams that occupy my nights now.
This is not uncommon after loss of love—

blue and black and red blasting the crater open.
I am interested in anger.
I clamber along to find the source.


Anger travels through me, pushes aside everything else in my heart,
pouring up the vents.
Every night I wake to this anger,

the soaked bed,
the hot pain box slamming me each way I move.
I want justice. Slam.

I want an explanation. Slam.
I want to curse the false friend who said I love you forever. Slam.


The vocation of anger is not mine.
I know my source.

It is stunning, it is a moment like no other,
when one’s lover comes in and says I do not love you anymore.

I switch off the lamp and lie on my back,

thinking about Emily’s cold young soul.
Where does unbelief begin?
When I was young

there were degrees of certainty.
I could say, Yes I know that I have two hands.
Then one day I awakened on a planet of people whose hands occasionally


My education, I have to admit, has been gappy.
The basic rules of male-female relations
were imparted atmospherically in our family,

no direct speech allowed.


A great icicle formed on the railing of my balcony
so I drew up close to the window and tried peering through the icicle,
hoping to trick myself into some interior vision,

but all I saw
was the man and woman in the room across the street
making their bed and laughing.


I lived my life,

which felt like a switched-off TV.
Something had gone through me and out and I could not own it.


Don’t Look Back in Anger

The song that shares a title with this post always reminds me of nights out in our old town. I never knew how true it would ring for me now. I am mad. I am furious. I am hurt. I am deeply, deeply hurt.

It isn’t enough. I was hoping it would feel better by now, but it doesn’t. I wake up hopeful everyday that things have changed. Or that I’m fine now. But they haven’t and I am not. It’s still the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning. It catches me out at unexpected moments, the thought piercing through my mind like a nail through a foot.

I drowned my sorrows on the fourth of July. Freedom was the last thing I wanted to celebrate. I don’t feel free. If anything, I feel more trapped than ever. Trapped by my feelings, by my thoughts, and by the constant ache in my chest. I had a great day, I met loads of new people. New lads, even, who would later call my housemates and tell them what a legend I am, how I was so much fun. It’s good to know I am managing well enough to be fun to others. And I didn’t text him, which is a real personal victory for me.

It’s like the pain comes in waves. At the party I was fine, the tide was out. He was a distant thought for me, still there, but you’d have to squint to see him on the horizon. When I am alone, the waves come crashing in. They take my legs out from under me. I am tumbling through days we laughed, a rugby match, a hotel room in Navan, surprise hugs. I want to surface from the wave, but I’m tangled in thoughts of nights out, nights in, talking til sunrise. My chest is tight and I can’t breathe anymore, suffocated by the wave of memories. Somehow, the tide goes out again, leaving me to try and catch my breath until the next waves hit with the force of 5 years spent together.


Well, the worst thing I could think of has happened. And I can’t even find the words to write about it yet. I have a blister on the back of my heel that opened up and when the hot water hit it in the shower, it was the second worst pain I’ve felt this week.

Building a bridge

In response to my last post, one of my friends–who I am fairly certain is the only person checking this blog anymore– expressed concern for me over how sad it was. I was focused on the work bit of it, while she was focused on the ex part of it. I’ve known for awhile that something’s not going right here in my “cry-me-a-river-build-me-a-bridge-and-get-over-it” phase. I’ve cried the river, but I haven’t built the bridge and I’ve certainly not gotten over it. Like all construction projects, it seems my bridge was halfways built when there was some sort of union issue and construction has shut down indefinitely. So now here I am, my river of tears all cried, and no way to get over it. 

We broke up in September. For good. I keep having to tell myself it’s for good, and I do know it’s for good, but my heart still fights me on that front a bit. I have days where I think I’m fine. I’m getting on, happy even. But then something great will happen, I will have a nice drink, a nice meal, see a nice view, and I will wish he was there to see it, taste it, and feel it with me. Or worse, something bad will happen and he is the first person I think of to tell it to. I spent many, if not all, of my most defining years loving this person. It’s not so easy to wash that away. I see other people do it all the time, jump from spending years with someone to dating the next person that comes along. I guess that isn’t my style. I don’t think it’s very fair. I wish I could of course. I’d flip my feelings switch and be on my merry way. Unfortunately, I’m more the type to lay in bed at night, try to force the good memories out and focus on the bad, try to get my construction workers moving on building the bridge to get over it again. I don’t know how long it will take. The freeway on the way to my aunts house has taken nearly 7 years to get built. I’m not thinking it will take that long, but who knows with these types of projects, really? 

A day in the life…

I know I’ve been absolutely shit at keeping up with this, so I thought I’d give a little insight to what my life is like right now by showing what my average day is like. Here we go:

5.45 AM: Housemate’s alarm goes off, hear it through the wall, curse him silently and will myself to go back to sleep. Think of you, wonder what you are doing.

6 AM: Build myself into a silent rage hearing housemate open and closing doors. Tell myself it’s ok, I still have an hour and 20 minutes before my alarm goes off.

6:15 AM: Check Instagram, tell myself looking at photos of puppies will make it easier to go back asleep. Make mental notes of all the puppies I would send to you if we still had that sort of relationship.

6:30 AM:Housemate leaves. Silence. Wide awake now, start counting to 100 and push thoughts of everything I have to do at work away.

7 AM: Now in a full blown panic about everything I need to accomplish at work, get out of bed in a frenzy. Get dressed, make lunch, makeup on.

7:20: Realize it’s too early to go to work, sit on the end of my bed for 10 minutes. Think about you.

7:30 Walk to bus stop, get on bus, inevitably sit next to someone smelly. The sense of doom that began earlier is now rolling like thunder through my stomach and I can feel my heart beating faster the closer I get to work.

8 AM: Convince myself to walk into the building. Elevators broken, stop on floors 5 and 9 even though nobody pushed those buttons. Make it to my own floor, and elevator doors don’t open, back down to 1, back up to my floor, doors open. Day begins and I’m thinking about you.

8 AM-10AM: Answer emails, write a 15 page support letter. This is the quiet period before the storm. It’s normally only me and 1 other coworker in the office until around 9:30 when other people start trickling in. Convince myself I have a handle on my to-do list. Get a lot done. Tell myself not to text you.

10 AM: Hear the elevator door ding open and feel my stomach drop to my feet. She’s here. My stomach rolls like a boiled kettle. Boss comes in without taking off her coat or putting down her breakfast. Insults my intelligence, tells me my work is easy, asks if I understand, tell me to work faster and that I should be stressed.

11 AM: HOW IS IT ONLY 11 AM?! Time has slowed to a crawl. Edit the letter I wrote. Clean up small tasks for up to 4 other cases. Wonder if you are having lunch. Think about when you used to come home for lunch at your last job. You’d ring me and, if I wasn’t at college, I’d come have lunch with you and watch Scrubs or Jeremey Kyle. Think about how long it took you to make a sandwich.

12 PM: First crisis, often involving a case I was told was not a priority, or a client emails and all of a sudden shit hits the fan. Try to put out the fire, maybe have paper thrown at me, maybe do everything wrong. The kettle is still at full boil.

1 PM: Tell myself to take lunch.

1:30 PM: Actually take lunch. Check and see if you’ve texted me. Convince myself not to text you.

2:00 PM: Back to work. Put together 2 cases for filing. This often takes all afternoon and involves last minute phone calls to client’s, editing documents, printing up to 9 copies of documents, and arranging those documents. Then copying the massive packets that are created. Copier jams, add 20 minutes to copying times. While unjamming the copier, think of how I used to ask you to print things for me at work all the time.

4:00 PM: Realize I won’t get everything done. Start to panic again. Finish putting together packets. Start a new letter. Email client’s so they know I’m still working on their cases, try to put the ball back in their court. Boss comes in and reminds me again to panic. Gives back a letter she finally checked from yesterday, tells me it can go out today after I edit it. Frantically edit the changes, which includes taking out words she doesn’t “like” like “aforementioned”. Tells me it’s like English is my second language.

5:30 PM: Realize I’ve worked an hour and a half of overtime and am starting to feel like blood is coming out my eyeballs. Keep working.

5:45 PM: Notice that I am one of the last 3 people in the office. Even my boss has left. Tell myself it’s ok to go home. Have another moment of panic when I realize how much I have to do for tomorrow. Walk to the bus stop. Bus home, crammed in with a hundred old Asian people none of whom stand taller than my shoulder. Think about how nice that random man’s jacket would look on you. Want to text you and ask if I should mug him for it because I think you’d laugh. Feel my stomach boil turn into a simmer. Slowly shed my work thoughts and start thinking about applying for jobs.

6:05 PM: Come home to my housemates playing Call of Duty. Immediately open my laptop to start applying for jobs. Brain starts to melt. Open up jobs I think my suit me. Realize I have no energy to write a cover letter. Decide to make dinner and tell myself it will be easier after I eat.

6:30 PM: Dinner done. Look at jobs again. Close most of the tabs because re-reading descriptions make me realize I’m not qualified or not interested. Tell myself to write the cover letter. Watch a new episode of Orange is the New Black instead. Ok, ok, watch 3 episodes of Orange is the New Black. Send you a picture of a puppy. Just one!

9:30 PM: Shower. Try not to start thinking about work or about you.

10:00 PM: TV with my housemates or reading.

11:00 PM: Bed. Think of you incessantly. Think of work second most. Know I have to wake up soon, but can’t clear my head of you or work enough to sleep right away. Most of all try not to think of scary things that will give me nightmares. Otherwise I will wake up in the night wanting to text you.

12:00 AM: Put on an episode of the Office to fall asleep to. Go to sleep thinking about us watching the Office together. Have sad dreams about being happy.

Then I wake up and do it all again. Great times. Thrilling life! I know everyone is so jealous. What a wild adventure! Hopefully things will settle down soon at work and I will be back with my regularly scheduled morbid/melancholy posts. Until then…just refresh this post every day for an accurate account of how things are going with me. Even on Saturday, because I get to work weekends now, hurray!



For my ex’s birthday this year, the first that we hadn’t been together for in 5 years, I made him a video. It was with a song that was very dear to us and photos of us over the past few years. It sounds silly now writing about it, but it meant a lot to me when I made it. I think around his birthday was one of the hardest times for me since I came home. It makes sense though, his birthday is around Valentine’s day and he was in South America on a trip that I wasn’t happy he was on. I had a fleeting moment this evening where I considered watching the video, but I know now it would hurt far too much.

I’ve finally accepted things are over. I am making steps towards moving on. But at the same time, it feels as if these steps aren’t taken of my own accord, but rather because I am being pushed. There are two things in the world I know to be true: 1) I love my ex and 2) he loves me. But somewhere in between these two things, something has gotten all messed up and it’s not going to come back together. Now I have to figure out how I can be pushed to move on and balance my feelings for my ex in the face of something new. Is it even fair to date someone new? And if it isn’t then what am I supposed to do? Sit here forever alone and wait for when my ex inevitably moves on and have it slowly drain the life out of me? 

I dreamt about him last night. I dreamed he had moved here. In my dream I was happier than I can remember being in a long time. I remember smiling in my dream and it was a smile that went all the way to my toes. I haven’t felt that since I moved back here. I know it wouldn’t work out so smoothly in real life. I know it’s never going to happen. It seems so cruel and so unfair, that I can be so sure of my love and he can not feel the same thing. But here we are. It’s time to stop wondering, and let myself be pushed, even if it feels like it’s off a cliff.

I want to be as happy as I was in my dream. The last time I talked with my ex, we both said we wanted each other to be happy. I don’t think that’s entirely true. I want me to be happy and I want him to learn to be happy with me. I don’t want him to be happy with someone else. I know I sound like I’m in 3rd grade writing this, but oh well. This is my word-vomit and I’m sticking to it! Of all the things in my life I have been jaded and cynical about, and trust me — that’s a lot of things, I would say that my outlook on love is the most jaded now. So as I start letting myself be pushed by circumstances into these tiny baby steps of moving away from the person who I’ve loved the most in the world, I need to change my attitude about love. I don’t know how, but I know I need to. I guess that is the next part of what I’ve got to figure out. I really feel like somebody should’ve told me how shit your mid-twenties can be, because I came into this entirely unprepared. I guess Love Stinks is a song for a reason.